Energy: the discovers of quantum physics The crystal therapy is based on the assumption that crystals have a healing power. This is not a novelty in the last few decades,
The crystals have a crystalline structure which makes them true masterpieces of nature, since in their kingdom they have reached perfection. That’s why they have a lot to teach us: they transmit light, order, cleanliness, protection as well as the characteristics of each one on a physical, mental and spiritual level. They emanate healing and harmony where they are placed, on the body and in the environment.
Each crystal has specific properties but they all connect us to mother earth, helping us to take root on the planet and the spiritual world from which we come.
The crystal therapy sessions in which the crystals are chosen according to the problems to be faced, allow us to tune into the crystals and to connect us, through their light, with our soul. Beyond the purpose of each session, the constant is a deep awareness of ourselves and our needs.
Crystals help us cleanse physically, mentally and spiritually. By clarifying what we really want, we receive strength and light from them to let go of what we no longer need; so we lighten up and move towards our life goal.
The crystals need a periodic cleaning physically and energetically. Since life is a continuous energy exchange between us and our surroundings, crystals also absorb energy and reflect it. It is therefore very important to keep them clean.
Thanks to their orderly structure, the crystals transmit order to us and help us to realize it even in our lives.
All crystals offer us protection; some more than others protect us from electromagnetic pollution and radiations. It is useful to place them near computers, wifi, mobile phones, electronic equipment, as well as wearing them
Energy: the discovers of quantum physics The crystal therapy is based on the assumption that crystals have a healing power. This is not a novelty in the last few decades,
What crystals are? How do they interact with us and the environment? What relationship is there between stones and humans? Energy : the discoveries of quantum physics Thanks to the
Nature gives us precious remedies: crystals and essential oils for the health of body, mind and spirit Crystals and essential oils ( which enhance the action of crystals) are precious
Tabella dei Contenuti CRYSTALS AND ESSENTIAL OILS COMBINE Nature gives us precious remedies: crystals and essential oils for the health of body, mind and spirit Crystals and essential oils (
Hello, some people ask me which crystals and stones are suitable for this delicate moment which we are living of evolutionary passage.
In my opinion one of the main teachments of the present is that we can be content of what we have; so every crystal we have is all right, as it represents mother Earth and offers us help and protection.
Crystal Academy, founded and directed by Katrina Raphaell, has given instructions related to some crystals that can particularly help us.
I analize shortly some of them :
The origin of shungite dates two billion years ago in Russia. Known sice the seventheen century, it was used to have extraordinary healing properties.
Shungite is formed by 90% carbon, in detail from sixty carbon atoms connected each other from a structure called “fullerene”. Thanks to this composition the structure of this stone doesn’t change even when shungite absorbs what is harmful like : electromagnetic waves and pollution, radiations… .
The origin of black tourmaline dates billion years ago, it is formed by aluminium. Tourmaline has many colours; the black one is connected with the first chakra, Earth element, that means stability, health and it helps to feel a membership of this Planet.
Rhodonite is formed by manganese carbonate, it is known with this name since 200 years ago.
It works on the fourth chakra, the heart and help us to bring peace where there is conflict.
Kyanite is aluminium neosilicate, very crumbly, has elongated crystals blu and white colours.
Kyanite works on fifth, sixth and seventh chakra.